The fonodither is designed to increase emotional involvement in listening to audio recordings to facilitate obtaining a stable perceptual constancy, even if some of its parts cannot be observed or heard at the moment due to technical or cognitive limitations.
Fonodithering is a visual analogue of dithering, widely used in digital technology, - mixing pseudo-random noise with a specially selected spectrum into the primary signal.
The drawing forming fonodither is based on the classical film technology of obtaining an image on photographic paper. The choice of film is based on a physical factor, it is necessary to obtain unstructured noise, which cannot be achieved using digital methods. Since the image on the film consists of randomly scattered crystals of different shapes, different sizes, occupying the entire thickness of the emulsion, we initially get the necessary texture.
The photograph in the analog signal reproduction mode shows an object, the contemplation of which, simultaneously with the receipt of sound information, leads to the achievement of a sensuous image (Representation) of a musical work.
The listener forms the level or density of fonodithering independently, based on his emotional and professional experience.
The received continuous sensation as an association of visual, auditory and other senses is united by a piece of music. Fonodithering here plays the role of ether, linking together the musical system, the listener's feelings and the music itself.
For more information and ways to enhance your grasp please visit my Saatchi Art page
Jan Snegov