Phono cartridge equalizer that compensate distortion added by the moving parts of the cartridge generator into the useful signal.
Mechanical resonances in the design of the cartridge body, cantilever and its suspension affect the value of parasitic magnetic resistance, which negatively affects the magnetic field that occurs during the operation of the cartridge.
The total magnetic resistance is frequency dependent and has a direct effect on the output signal, the EQVES CVRRVS equalizer allows you to minimize the parasitic magnetic resistance.
As a result, the overall magnetic resistance inside the cartridge is cleared of the resonant part and allows the cartridge to more accurately reproduce the signal recorded on the record track.
Musical images become more expressive and brighter, the sound field is cleared, revealing the finest nuances previously hidden by a misty veil.
Load impedance: 50k Ohms
Channel separation: more than 90dB (1kHz)
Frequency response: 5Hz to 100kHz (±0.5dB)
Max operation level: 10dBm
Weight: 0.8kg